Cold plastic laminate

Patent Type: Invention Patent
Inventors: H.-R. Negri; E. Pasglig
Applicant: Alcan Technology & Management Co., Ltd.
Main applicant address: Neuhausen, Switzerland
Application number: 200480017129.8
Application Date: 2004.06.03
Approval notice number: 1809452
Approval notice date: 2006.07.26
Main classification number: B32B15/08 (2006.01)I
Classification number: B32B15/08(2006.01)I ; B65D65/40(2006.01)I
Category classification number:
Priority item: 2003.6.17 EP 03405435.3
Instruction CD-ROM: D0630-1
International application: 2004-06-03 PCT/EP2004/005978
International Publication: 2004-12-23 WO2004/110746
Abstract: The present invention relates to a cold-formable laminate for the manufacture of containers for packaging medicines and medical technology products and diagnostic reagents, having an aluminum film, as an outer layer provided on the first side of the aluminum film. The biaxially stretched plastic film and the sealing layer provided on the second side of the aluminum film. The aluminum film is joined to a biaxially stretched plastic film by extrusion lamination, or the biaxially stretched plastic film is extrusion coated with polyolefin and laminated to an aluminum film. Compared to prior art laminates, the cold plasticity of the laminate can be increased by at least 15% and has improved delamination resistance.
Sovereignty items: 1. Cold-formable laminates, which are used to prepare containers for packaging medicines and medical technology products and diagnostic reagents, having an aluminum film, a double layer provided on the first surface of the aluminum film as an outer layer The axially stretched plastic film and the sealing layer provided on the second side of the aluminum film are characterized in that the aluminum film is joined to the biaxially stretched plastic film by extrusion lamination.
Agency: China Patent Agent (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.
Agent: Liu Weisheng; Li Liantao
Database Name: Invention Patent Database

Reprinted from: Wanfang Database

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