The body will tell you: It is time to change the mattress.

Do you know when to change the mattress? Relevant authorities pointed out that the life of the mattress is 10 years, but the mattress is a long-term household item, it is recommended to replace it once every 5-7 years. In fact, the mattress should not be changed, the body will tell you, if your body sends the following signal, it means you should change the mattress!

The body will tell you: It is time to change the mattress.

7 big signal reminder to change the mattress, don't ignore

1. Backache when you get up in the morning If you wake up in the morning after a night's sleep, you still feel uncomfortable in the morning, often have backache, body weakness and other symptoms. At this time, you should check the mattress you are sleeping on. A mattress that suits you can relax your body and mind and recover quickly. On the contrary, an unsuitable mattress will affect your health.

2, sleep time is getting shorter and shorter If you wake up in the morning time has changed more than before, for example: now wake up earlier than a year ago, this shows that your mattress has a serious problem. If the mattress is used for a long time, it will reduce the comfort and internal structure deformation, and it will not support your body properly. It may even cause spinal diseases such as lumbar disc herniation and lumbar muscle strain.

Related reading: What mattresses are used in the most five-star hotels in China?

3, lying in bed for a long time can not sleep a lot of people complained, do not know what is the reason, lying in bed at night is always turned over and go to sleep, this directly affects the normal work and life of the next day, then, sleep at night difficult How to do? In fact, a good mattress can help you improve your sleep. Sleeping on it is like floating on a floating cloud, allowing the blood circulation of the whole body to be smooth, the number of turning over is reduced, and it is easy to sleep.

4, sleep in the middle of the night is easy to wake up if you wake up naturally at two or three in the evening, wake up and then go to sleep more slowly, and have been dreaming, sleep quality is quite poor, has been a good sleep has a headache, read a lot of doctors can not solve That can only tell you: it is time to change the mattress. A good mattress can make sleep "do more with less", so you can sleep less than eight hours a day.

5, the skin does not consciously itching If you are troubled by inexplicable small yellow bubble, redness, itching, autumn measles, it is likely to pay for the low-priced inferior mattress. Inferior mattresses are usually not treated with mites, and mites can cause skin itching, acne, acne, allergic dermatitis, acute and chronic urticaria and other skin diseases.

6, always feel that the bed is not flat, tumbling in bed, found that the body is obviously sunken, or always feel the bed is not flat, which shows that the mattress has reached the limit. Such a mattress cannot balance the support of the body and deform the human spine. In particular, the elderly can cause joint pain and the child causes bone deformation.

7. You can hear the obvious snoring with a little movement. You can hear the buzzing of the bed when you turn over a little while sleeping. The quiet night is particularly harsh. The mattress is squeaking, the spring is damaged, its material and structure are destroyed, and it is unable to support the weight of the body. Such a mattress can no longer be used.

If you have one of the above 7 major signals, you can consider changing the mattress. If there are more than 2 kinds of descriptions, it will take time to change the mattress. For the health of yourself and your family, it is better to choose a good mattress to make your life healthier.

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