Reasons and solutions for air conditioning without heating

For the people nowadays, our lives are all given by air conditioners. In the cold winter, the outside temperature is low and the indoor temperature is not high. Next, let's talk about the reasons and solutions for the air conditioner not heating.

One of the problems: there is a problem with the air conditioning capillary or check valve

The capillary network is a simulated capillary mechanism of the human body. It is mainly divided into a capillary tube having an outer diameter of 3.5 mm to 5 mm and a water supply circuit having an outer diameter of 20 mm. The check valve is used to prevent reverse flow of the oil flow and to prevent backflow of air. This is one of the reasons why the air conditioner does not heat.

       Solution: Replace the capillary or check valve in time so that the air conditioner can be heated again.

The second problem: the outdoor temperature is too low.

       If the outdoor Wendy is too low, this will also affect the normal operation of the air conditioner. Generally speaking, if the outdoor temperature is below zero, the indoor air conditioner will not be able to perform normal heating, because there is no way to air conditioner in this case. Defrosting, so the air conditioner cannot be cooled.

       Solution: Manually use the tool to clean the frost on the air conditioner, so that the air conditioner can be heated.

The third problem: air conditioning four-way valve leaks.

       The four-way valve is a control valve with four ports, which is an indispensable part of the air conditioning system. If the four-way valve leaks, it will cause the air conditioner to fail to heat and cool.

       Solution: Replace the four-way valve to solve the problem that the air conditioner does not heat.

       After reading the above contents, everyone knows the reasons and solutions for the air conditioning not heating, I hope to help everyone.

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