Be a warm person, live in a warm home, sleep warmly

Who says high-tech ≠ warm heart
Who says home? Design style
Who says luxury is only a minority
Kodoni Super Clothes Dryer tells you
These are no longer there
"Parents are getting older, and they are getting more and more difficult to look up."
When the user says this to us
We feel that the clothes dryer is not just drying clothes.
It should be that it can help parents reduce the burden of housework.
Temperature design
"Mei Yutian, clothes are old, hanging over the balcony, a taste."
When the user complains to us like this
We feel that the clothes dryer is not just drying clothes.
It should be that it can enhance happiness.
Temperature design
Good product
We must not only have high quality
More temperature
Kodoni Super Clothes Dryer
Lifting, drying, drying, disinfection, lighting
Easy to get with one click
Can also display the running status in real time
Hanging weight, drying and drying
Real-time control, safer and warmer
Doing temperature design
Kodoni Super Clothes Dryer
Make your winter warmer

Editor: China drying rack net - Dio

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