Rio adventures smashed the color eye makeup boom

Since the release of "Rio Adventure", the eyes of the film have become the source of inspiration for the fashion industry, so that it will smash the eye-catching eye makeup boom. Let's take a look at various eye-catching eye makeup .

Contrast eye makeup

Barbie touches the eye makeup

Ice blue eyeshadow + red lip color, Barbie's gorgeous makeup, sexy reveals some sweetness, bright orange nails increase the richness of makeup.

Contrast eye makeup

Two-color contrast eye makeup

The rhombic exaggerated eye makeup, one red and one green, the most daring collision, with a playful makeup, the lip gloss is won with a rebellious feeling of smearing.

7 Holes Helmets

7 Holes Helmets,Adult Shark Helmets,Midna'S Troxel Helmets,Armadyl Met Helmets